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6 renovation lessons from The Block 2021

The Block 2021 auction results can have some of us scratching our heads – after all, the contestants that won consistent praise with the judges seemed to do the worst when it came to bidding time. And while we all know a reality TV show doesn’t really reflect a real-life renovation, there are some lessons to be had.

The Block contestants definitely had a goal in mind .. sell, sell, sell!

Renovate with a goal in mind

To live in or to sell? That is the question. Or perhaps it’s to rent out?

First and foremost, you need to have a clear grasp of what your end goal is when it comes to renovating. This will help set a foundation for everything else – from budgets through to finishes. If there isn’t a clear goal in mind before you commence your renovation project, the rest of the renovation will suffer.   

For example, if you’re renovating to sell, you’ll need to have a tight reign to ensure you don’t end up overcapitalising. Knowing the market and area can help guide your renovating decisions – so take the time to think about your end goals.

Plan, plan, plan

While few of us need to endure the pressure-cooker environment of a reality TV show, renovating or building in the real world is stressful. Don’t make it worse by not going in with a carefully vetted plan. 

Take the time to prepare, plan and research – everything from the structural materials to the environmental requirements needs to be considered. Remember, changing things on site is expensive and time-consuming. Getting the nitty gritty details sorted before picking up the tools (or paying somebody to pick them up) will save you a lot of headaches (and potentially money) down the track.

Stick to a timeline

What you see on a reality TV show is not what you should expect in everyday life. While most of us can acknowledge that an entire family-sized kitchen doesn’t come together in a week, many of us also underestimate the time actually required for a renovation.

So, when you create a schedule for your renovation, consider all the things that may impact your dream timeline. This can include supply delays, poor weather, power outages – even sick tradies or unexpected lockdowns. And while you can’t plan for every single potential time mishap along the way, it helps to have these potentials in the back of your mind for a more realistic approach.

Budget from the beginning… and have a buffer

While it would be wonderful to live in a world where we could just fill our homes with the most beautiful interiors on a whim, unfortunately it’s not the reality that most of us live in. Even on The Block, the contestants are given a budget that they need to work within. And if they don’t stick to that budget? Sections of their project suffer – which ultimately impacts the entire renovation.

Whatever the end goal for your renovation, having a set budget in place will help you see the project through to that end goal. A good idea is to draw up a list of “must-haves” and “nice-to-haves” to help you separate the priority additions from the budget-munching bells and whistles. Quotes from trades at this stage will also help you gain a realistic perspective of costs involved. And don’t forget to set a budget buffer – you never know what hiccup you might encounter on the way.

Double-check your specifications

Imagine you’re in the middle of your dream bathroom renovation. You find the perfect egg-shaped bathtub to finish off the space. It’s perfect, and you can already see yourself soaking in those Epsom salts after a long day, away from the bustle of reality. Except when the bathtub finally arrives and is carried up the stairs, it doesn’t fit.

How do you avoid this little renovation disaster? Do your research, measure up the space.. and then measure it again. Order samples of swatches of tiles, carpets, wood and paint to assess what inclusions will actually look like. Having a detailed schedule of finishes and inclusions can help avoid mistakes but seeing products in the flesh and taking real measurements can avoid renovation conundrums that can cost time, money and nerves.

Don’t fall for the fads

Consistency and cohesion throughout a property is the key to creating a balanced design as well as a renovation that can be enjoyed for years to come. Having an overarching idea that is applied throughout the property, with a considered and planned colour scheme helps to tie together the home and present it in its best possible light. 

Don’t fall into the trap of jumping onto the hottest interior trends – think about what it is you want to achieve with your design style. Slapping together a renovation based on the hottest trends of the month can make for a very confusing – and disappointing – renovation.

If you need further help, turn to an interiors expert – we may be biased, but it definitely helps make the renovation process a whole lot smoother.