Concept Design Colour Finish - Interior Designers Melbourne

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Outdoor Design

While we do love a great interior, the outside has to have a link. A beautiful exterior is viewed from the inside of your home or apartment and you want to look out and appreciate the link between the two spaces.  Improving your health and well being needn’t involve hours of stretching or meditating; you can create your own harmony within your outdoor space.  

Keep your colour palette simple by using no more than three different colours and finishes.  Natural finishes look great.  You can add colour with accessories which can be easily changed if you get tired of the look.   It should look like you want to get out there and enjoy the fresh air and relax.  Minimise clutter and get your green finger on.

Create your own soul filled garden.  Think about growing some herbs, and having a space that a pet can co-exist in.  It can be a fun space, or a relaxing space but draw on some elements from your interior in the outdoor area.

Soulful gardens have a strong sense of feeling completely right and in balance. When we come upon these gardens, my first response is one of pure joy and my second is sadness knowing I have to leave.

Timber, White seating and Dark Grey - layer your garden and connect it to the interior by using a seamless floor

Side ways can be tricky. This water feature is a clever idea to break up the long space.

Bamboo looks great topped with loose pebbles for a low maintenance side way.

Great idea to hide those garden tools or pool equipment. Keep it natural

We do love a hedge!

Create your own art work using plants

Overhead cover idea. Repeat pattern always works. Pavers or tiles look good laid in varying sizes. Head on over to Signorino for some amazing outdoor tiles.

Think angles in a large space - change your floor materials to break up the area.

Lest not forget your best friend. Make it comfy for them too! The black wall is bold but looks amazing. Be bold!