Concept Design Colour Finish - Interior Designers Melbourne

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Live Well

We've just finished a house for a beautiful client who's undergoing Chemotherapy. We spoke about the importance of health and she mentioned how the material things in life have taken a back seat while she gets well.  Having said that, it's so lovely that she has an organised, crisp, light-filled home to be in during her journey towards wellness.

It got us thinking about how our homes can promote wellness.  There are simple things you can do to improve your world.  De-clutter, organise and discard anything that no longer has meaning for you.   You don't need a big budget to achieve an interior that makes sense to you. Don't know where to start?   Press Control, Alt, Delete.  Push the button in your life to start afresh.  This creates clarity.

We've transformed peoples homes who have just come out of relationships.  They just want to start over with a new look home.  Makes sense right?  New you!  Here are our tips for your interior start over.

De-clutter. Get rid of things without regret. Go through your cupboards and throw out anything you a) don't use b) don't like and c) is broken. Then clean each drawer and shelf to begin the journey.

Purchase some simple items to give your space a new look. Keep the colour palette neutral and timeless. Match utensils and have them on display for easy access.

Labels - simple yet effective. No one said you had to have clear containers. Go white. There's something timeless about black labels from the old label maker. Think 1950s office filing systems for your kitchen.

Get some decent bowls, crockery and plates. Something that you enjoy the look and feel of. We use this every day! Enjoy it and keep it neutral to stand the test of time. We personally love a thin-edged cup or mug.

Add some baskets in the living room for winter throws or bits and pieces that find their way into your living space. They're' handy when a quick clean up is in order.

A simple pop of colour is enough. We work on the ten per cent rule. Just enough to keep things interesting but not overkill. Put your things in boxes out of sight. Check back in a month to see what you actually need and use. Take the emotional attachment out of your de-clutter. Its just stuff!

feeling good?

Get creative - A weekend project gets your head out of technology and into real life. Nature provides an amazing colour palate. It’s perfect really.

Step out with confidence. You are ready to take on anything. No matter who you are or how you live - you got this. Set some goals and remember - quality over quantity. It’s an age-old philosophy that will last years and look amazing in every aspect of your life.